Friday, February 6, 2015

Mercer Challenge

Today, the CyberARTS students of year 2 has assigned a fun activity for a refresher on photoshop. Our assignment is to photoshop the monthly model from the "Mercer Challenge". This month's model is the canadian prime minister, Steven Harper. I've decided to take the "meme" expression of Jackie Chan and to photoshop Harper's face onto Jackie's. Our assignment also needed to include any form of text to our peice.

I started by quick selection tool to accurately capture the head of Harper's face and refining the edges such as parts of his hair. I then copied over the selection of Harper's head and transferred it over to the picture of Jackie. I resized the portions of Harper'shead to match Jakie's. Now I then create a mask on Harpers's head and used the softest round brush and painted black on the unwanted parts, resulting in Harper's face to fit perfectly. From here, I started use adjustment layers such as: hue and saturation and levels. By using these adjustment layers, I was able to match the skim to e of Harper's face to Jackie's to make ot look as of Harper's face truly did match Jackie's. Lastly I madd a few finishing touches by zooming in and observing any flaws and simply redoing the steps stated previously.


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